Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Monday, 26 November 2012

You know you're a mummy when....

I know, I know, I haven't posted for aaaaages! I've been really busy with a poorly Isabella who then started teething again (she has 3 coming through atm, eeeek!) and I did a craft fair last weekend so every spare minute was spent making soap and bath bombs or knitting.
At the moment, it's 12.20 at night and I'm trying to catch up with Masterchef whilst knitting finger puppets for a Christmas present, so this will be a quick one.

You know you're a mummy when- 

You are no longer grossed out by any form of bodily fluid.
You are proficient at doing things with one hand.
Baby wipes are your new BFF.
Not having a smear of sudocrem down your leg and brushing your hair counts as 'dressed up'.
You have to consider if there will be something suitable for your baby before you settle on a place for lunch.
A digestive shared with your baby (who just had their own breakfast all to their self ) and a bit of chocolate constitutes as breakfast in your books.
You can't remember what your legs look like without hair.
Ditto your bikini area.
Having a bath by yourself seems like the biggest extravagance in the world.
Popping out to see your grown up friends for a *gasp* glass of wine is the most.exciting.thing.EVER!
When you go to see your friends, you mummy them in lieu of your baby.
You go out fully intending to buy some jeans that fit but end up with some really cute clothes for your sprog instead.
You look at your baby and realise that you would do absolutely anything for them and would probably kill anybody who so much as looked at them the wrong way.

If anybody has some more for my list, please let me know!