Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Monday, 10 December 2012

It's nearly Christmas!!!

There are only 15 days until Christmas, that's just 2 weeks and 1 day! Apart from my mum, I am actually the biggest kid when it comes to Christmas. I love the cheesiness, I love the tack, I love all the old Christmas hits, like Slade's 'Merry Christmas Everyone' and re-watching Elf for the hundredth time! Most importantly, this year is Isabella's first Christmas!
She, of course, is too young to know what's going on, can't really have Christmas dinner (she's veggie like me anyway, so no turkey for her!) and will probably prefer the wrapping paper to her presents, but I really want to get something memorable for her.
My problem at Christmas time is that I always insist on making things like mince pies or gingerbread or home-made knitted scarves and end up tearful and panicky at 4am on Christmas eve trying to finish everything. Last year, I learnt how to make macarons and made my own puff-pastry for mince pies. Of course, I didn't make enough pastry and ran out of some of the ingredients. More poor other-half ended up in a ram-packed Asda an hour before closing time on Christmas eve getting me more white chocolate, eggs and pastry whilst I (heavily pregnant, tired and emotional) cried in the kitchen, covered in flour and watching Elf declaring that 'Everything has gone to sh*t!' Being my own worst enemy, I decided to make gingerbread, shortbread and fudge as well as the mince pies and macarons. Ever tried to make a macaron? Don't do it unless you have a couple of days to spare and infinite patience.
This year, I have tried to go a bit easier on myself with the exception of making my mother-in-law's present (I'm not saying what it is, she reads this!) and having to make shortbread for my mum's husband and deciding that I want to make a Christmas pudding.
I really want to do a stocking for Isabella but so far have only got one present for it and no actual stocking. I will make it the world's most perfect and festive Christmas for her if it kills me. Which it probably will.....At least this year I can blimming drink!