Oh em geeeeeee it's freaking hot!!! Isabella woke up at 6.20, went back to sleep until 10 and now she's all tuckered out again, bless her. The hot weather is making her feeding hard as well because she's a- all cranky cos of the heat, b- super sleepy and not wanting to make an effort to feed and c- too distractable, she wants to be upright and see what's occuring. Plus, she's worked out that if she makes a big enough fuss, mummy will give up and give her a bottle, simply because I have to get her fed.
After her initial month and a bit of constantly wanting to nurse, I've since had to deal with a bit of nipple confusion on and off. I had to start giving her a bottle as well as breast to give myself a bit of a break and because when I'm taking her out, there's invariably nowhere with a suitable sofa and quiet area for me to breastfeed. As a result, she started to prefer a bottle when she's a bit tired because it's less effort. Then, every day or so, she'd want a bottle more often. In the last week, she's barely wanted to nurse at all. She'll have her first feed with no quibbles, then she just does not want to know! There's tears and tantrums (and that's just from me!) and then I have to give up and give her a bottle of expressed milk, or formula if I haven't had time to express. The result is that I've been feeling really rejected and redundant, not fun at all. Your most primal and ingrained duty as a mother is to provide food for your baby and everybody tells me how hard it is to get a baby back on the breast after they've got used to a bottle. I think there's lots of causes. Isabella had her jabs on Friday, they were done right on the sides of her thighs and she lies on her side to feed, so she didn't want to nurse in the afternoon because it was painful, I had to give her a bottle. At the weekend I stayed with my nan because I had a bit of a fall out with my baby daddy, Isabella was distracted and out-of-sorts and I was really stressed, my mum says the stress may have rubbed off on Isabella and the poor little mite didn't want to feed, it was a real struggle all weekend. Then this week so far, it's been really hot so Isabella is cranky and tired, plus she's sooooo interested in everything around her. Touch wood, today she's had 2 and a half feeds straight from the breast with no quibbles, so hopefully she's swaying more towards the breast again.
It's really getting to me now. It's not just the feeling of rejection and redundancy, there's also the stress of extra cleaning and steralising equipment and having to express more milk just in case, in some cases expressing as I go, and the worry that she just might not go back to breast and this is the end of it. That would break my heart because it's my special bonding time with her, it's something that nobody else can do for her and I intended to keep it up until she's 6 months, even if I have to supplement with bottles. Let's see how it goes, hopefully it'll getting better :-) TTFN xxx
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