Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Mummy tummies

There seem to be loads of shows out there about people over-eating, binge-eating, eating themselves to death, diets etc, but none about the hardest weight-loss challenge of them all- regaining your body after 9 months without proper exercise, no sleep, ripped abdominal muscles, painful scars (I had to angle myself when I had to pee!) and stretched-skin as far as the eye can see. That's right, we need a real-life mummy weight-loss show.
All these gossip magazines are full of stars who snap back into their size 6 jeans without a stretch mark or vomit stain in sight. Unfortunately, not all of us can afford 24/7 private nannies, personal chefs and trainers and elective c-sections that come with a "mummy-tuck".
Admittedly, I did get a bit pudgy in the couple of years before getting pregnant, so I've had that to lose as well. I also had the world's HUGEST bump. I used to joke that there are 2 man-made objects that you can see from the moon- the Great Wall of China and my baby bump!
The breast feeding must have helped with the baby-weight loss BUT it gives you chronic munchies in the first few weeks. Plus, because you're so sleep-deprived, a nice, light salad won't do- you need biscuits and stodge and comfort food. It's a bit like 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
Then, once you've had your 6 week check-up, longer if you've had a c-section, you can start exercising again. When I actually get time to exercise, which is normally gone 11pm at night, I don't have the energy to do much and can't make too much sound or I'll wake up baby. I do Zumba once a week, it's become my 'hour off' from being a mum, as we don't have lunch breaks.
I managed to get around about pre-baby weight at 4 months post-partum, but that was mainly due to being in the middle of nowhere; I have to walk for a mile and a half for Heat and a latte.
You show me any woman who loses her baby weight as fast as celebs do, but in normal conditions, and I'll show you a unicorn fornicating with the easter bunny on a double rainbow!!!

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