Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Friday, 8 February 2013

Because Mummyhood doesn't have enough guilt!

I read a conversation the other day on the Netmums forum about how awful petit filous are for babies because of all the sugar- shock horror, I've been poisoning my baby with a sugary fromage frais the other day. Even though it has protein, calcium and vitamin D, shame on me, I should have been giving her organic yogurt with homemade fruit puree. Somebody call Child Protection! Don't tell anybody, but one time I was at my mum's and she didn't have any petit filous so I had to give her....wait for it..... reduced fat yogurt *gasp*!
Shockingly, my baby survived being fed low-fat activia against her will, but why are we so quick to tell other mums how to do their job? Apparently, being a mum means that you are wide open to criticism and people telling you that you're doing it wrong.
You get criticised if you can't breastfeed, you get judged by formula-feeding mums if you do breastfeed (your baby won't sleep through the night, your baby won't put on enough weight, you'll never be able to leave your baby with his/her dad) If you start weaning at 4 months, you're told your baby's too young, if you don't wean you get told to give them some food as they're OBVIOUSLY starving. Yes, it's fantastic if you've been there, done that and got the t-shirt, but knowing your baby doesn't mean that you know mine as well! As a first-time mummy, I spend enough time worrying that I'm doing it wrong without people sticking their oars in and making me doubt myself whilst wanting to throttle them.
Friendly advice is great, but people need to guage when and where it's actually wanted and try maybe not telling people how to raise their babies. My mum has the best attitude, in fact, more people need her attitude. She basically says that she's there if I need advice but Isabella is my baby and I know her best. My mum is so wise! And extremely clever, I think she says that so I'm more likely to actually ask her for advice. Because I'm her baby, and she knows me best!

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