Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Sunday, 20 January 2013

My night off

I actually left my baby for the entire night for the first time ever last night and it was emosh! It was one of my best friends' fiance's birthday night out (Vikki, she of the baking and keeping me sane fame) so we were going to Vodka Revs in Clapham. Tony had to stay at home to babysit so because cabs are so expensive and a train was out of the question because it was 1.absolutely freezing due to the snow we've had the last couple of days, 2.A bit nerve wracking getting a train all the way back to the sticks by myself and 3.A bummer as the last train to get me home would be at 11.40. So, as a solution, Vikki let me stay round theirs, their little girl was at her grandparentss house so I slept in hr room. On an inflatable bed, of course, not in her dinky bed.
I've been out a few times since having her but came back the same night, don't normally stay out too late and have to snap straight back into mummy-mode. As much as I missed Isabella so, so, so much, it was actually really liberating! A whole evening of no mummy duties at all. But, instead of my normal reports of Isabella being inconsolable and awake for hours, she was fine. She was bloody fine and didn't miss me at all. What am I, chopped liver?!
The next morning, I woke up with pornstar boobs as I'd missed a couple of feeds and surprisingly unhungover considering how drunk I was. I'm still doing the dryathalon, I was supposed to get a 'golden pass' for last night, I suppose I can still get one online. Whoops. Tony brought Isabella with me when he came to pick me up and at first she was a bit stand offish, but after me practically forcing her to have a feed to relieve myself a bit, she came around!
I love my baby girl more than life itself, but I think I really needed my night off. It'll probably be a good few months before I go out again and hopefully it won't be so blimming freezing!

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