I have realised that I have a rather annoying, cringe-worthy, socially-unacceptable and downright-slapworthy habit. I am a baby bragger. I can't quite seem to help myself; something sounds OK in my head, then I say it and then realise how obnoxious it seems! I sometimes want to slap myself.
In my eyes, my baby is the most perfect thing ever. She has her moments when she drives me up the wall, but in general, she is my gorgeous princess fairy angel. I forget that not everybody needs to know that!
When Isabella was born, all of the midwives and staff in the hospital told me how beautiful she was and nowadays I have random people in the supermarket coming up to me cooing over her. Plus, she's super-strong and she's hit all her milestones so far a week or 2 early. It doesn't really help that she's the first granddaughter in my family, so my mum and nan are constantly gushing over her and my health visitor is always telling me how advanced she is for her age and how well she's doing.
All this constant praise for my baby has left me also unable to stop gushing about her myself. I'm sure there's going to be a milestone that she hits late and I know she's got some things that we need to work on, such as getting her to sleep properly. I just can't stop myself from opening my mouth and wax-lycricalling about how wonderful she is!
Part of me worries that she's going to grow up thinking that her poo doesn't smell, so I'm going to have to find the balance between making sure that she has good self-esteem, without her getting delusions of grandeur.
Another worry is that people are just going to get sick of me constantly praising my baby and bragging about her. I don't even mean to do it and I try to be less obnoxious, but mouth opens and it just comes out like Pandora's box! You're probably reading this and thinking that I'm big-headed when it comes to my baby and in a way, I am. I'm very proud of myself for how well she's doing and she's a beautiful bubba.
I suppose it can't be helped. Us mums are just wired to put our babies on pedestals because they're our little creations and we have the urge to nurture and protect them ingrained into us, part of which is building their self-esteem and encouraging them.
As far as I'm concerned, my baby is the best thing since sliced bread and the sun does well and truly shine out of her little bum, I just need to work on changing the record every now and then.
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