After the baby rice disaster, I decided to try Isabella on solids again. She burps for Grandma, she goes to sleep for Grandma, so I figured she might take solids for Grandma. This time, however, instead of naffing about with bland, mushy baby rice, we tried sweet potato and squash baby food instead. She loooooooooved it. Seriously, I couldn't get the stuff into her mouth quick enough! Over the week, I tried her with banana, parnips and blueberry and apple and have deduced that she hates parsnips but, so far, likes everything else. She decided on her second parsnip day that she liked them for about 4 mouthfuls, then she got stroppy again.
Here's some things that I've discovered about weaning-
- I seriously underestimated the amount of mess that they can make. Considering I was only giving her a couple of dollops at a time, when you factor in arm-waving, dribble and a fairly clumsy mummy, baby food gets pretty much everywhere. Isabella managed to get some sweet potato in her eyelashes, on her forehead and right down the side of her chair.
- Babies are fussy. I didn't even entertain this notion and for some reason thought that they didn't become picky eaters until they were toddlers. Not my diva-baby! My mum and I's new in-joke is telling Isabella that I'll give her parsnip again if she misbehaves. I've only got a few dozen or so more foods to try her on and then try again if she doesn't like them the first time round. I don't know what I'll do if I can't get her to eat lentils or beans or tofu or quorn when the time comes as I'm planning on raising her vegetarian like me.
- The poo changes really quickly! I seem to constantly talk about poo now that I'm a mummy, but even on a couple of dollops twice a day, Isabella's poo has completely changed colour, consistency and smell. It didn't smell that bad before and normally smelt quite sweet. Now, it smells rank and I can't not give her solids now that we've started down this path just because it gives her a stinky bum. Or can I?......Nah, solids are kind of fun in a weird way.
I'm going to get a bit of kip before she wakes up for her 4am feed. I miss her sleeping through the night more than words can say! At least I got 7 weeks of her sleeping through and not having to wake up at a Godforsaken hour to feed her.
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