Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Yay! A Facebook page for mummies like me!

I'm a member of a couple of different mummy groups on Facebook, but they tend to focus on other issues like love lives, money problems etc and a lot of the discussions are about formula fed babies, e.g. experiences with different brands, bottles, etc, which I can't really relate to as Isabella only have one formula feed a day. Then, I stumbled across this little gem of a page called "Dispelling Breast feeding Myths"
I've become a proper breast feeding advocate as it's free and doesn't need any faffing about. Unfortunately, a lot of mummies find it hard. 60% of women will give up breast feeding in the first 6 weeks, which is the toughest time. I nearly gave up everyday! My baby was feeding up to 15 times a day, my nipples got scabby, my right boob was twice the size of the left one, I couldn't bring myself to breast feed in public so I was resigned to my bedroom and the latching on REALLY frigging hurt. All in all, I completely understand how tough it is, and I've never gone through mastitis or tongue-tie or any other problems.
There are some really good support groups out there, like breast feeding cafes and La Leche League, but it's few and far between and not always suitable for all mummies, so online advice centres are absolutely invaluable to us breast feeding mummies. I hope they keep up the good work and more online support groups like this spring up.
Tomorrow, Isabella is going to try carrot for the first ever time and i'm taking her to get weighed. She's mastered the tummy shuffle and has a million and one expressions. She's growing up so quickly, she'll be going off to school before I know it!
TTFN xxx

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