Me and my gorgeous baby

Me and my gorgeous baby
Perhaps the only barefaced pic of me that will ever grace the internet

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Pregnant in Heels

A lot of people find this weird, but I only watch TV on the internet because the TV in our bedroom doesn't work and I want to watch what I want, when I want, not whatever TV execs decide I can watch. Yesterday, on one of the sites I use, I came along a little gem of an American reality TV show called "Pregnant in Heels". It's 45 minutes which is perfect, because that's enough time for a feed and a change without having to faff around with my laptop. Basically, this British woman, Rosie Pope, moved to America a few years ago and she's a "maternity concierge", which is a bit like a wedding planner, but for your birth. She does EVERYTHING that these crazy, rich ladies need in the run-up to having a baby. And when I say rich, these are the kind of women who spend thousands and thousands on a baby shower, no Schloer and "guess what's in the nappy" for them! She designs maternity wear, teaches baby CPR, organises showers, decorates nurseries, the whole shebang.
One couple had her arrange a focus group to decide their baby name, because they were all about creating a "personal brand". That's right. A focus group. The kind of thing that companies spend a pretty penny on  as part of market research. Why aren't these people content with baby name books and searching the internet like us regular folk?!
I think my pregnancy would only be marginally easier if I had a maternity concierge. For me, the hardest bits were the waiting, being humungous and getting aches and pains. Those aren't the kind of things you can get somebody else to do for you. 
But, it got me thinking. If these people are so busy 24/7 with their 6-7 figure salary jobs that they're still doing right up to their waters breaking to decorate their nurseries and buy baby stuff, what do they do after the baby's born? The show doesn't really touch on that much. They must have to then hire nannies to look after their babies, which would mean losing a big chunk of the precious first moments. I feel a bit sad  for them, but I don't feel sad for their big, fat bank accounts! Money won't be able to buy back that time with their babies. I think I'd rather be broke after all!

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