Another thing that I have learnt from being a first-time mum is that it's about time that human cloning was perfected. I swear, most days I need 2 of me! Especially as Isabella barely naps and spends most of her awake time attached to my boob. Luckily, I have perfected the one-handed breast feed, which is how I'm managing to type this. What I really need is some kind of utility belt so I can carry around all the junk that I need and pick up stuff as I go. Here's a rough sketch of what I mean....
As you can see from my awful, awful illustration, it would have various pockets, a clippy chain thing to attach your keys to and a basket round the back to flings bits and pieces into. I think wearing clothes with pockets would help me a LOT, but I absolutely live in leggings at the moment.
I really think that I should make and sell this product, it could be a million pound idea. But if anybody reads my blog and steals my brain-child, I will hunt you down and sue yo' ass! (Only joking, nobody would be foolhardy enough to make such a contraption).
I'm off now to play with Isabella then bath her.
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